We've decided to get in shape and run a 5K... or more...
and it's Thanksgiving...
What a great time to begin an exercise program right?
Our city always has a Thanksgiving Day Turkey Trot 5K. While I would love to do this, it is $25 per person... and if you add up all the peeps in my family, this would be... um $175...
So we decided to do our very own Thanksgiving Turkey Trot.
So we decided to do our very own Thanksgiving Turkey Trot.
We got up early (relatively) today and walked/ran/whined/biked/limped etc. for our very own 5K.
Yep. That's right. We did it.
On the first lap, the outside of my left calf was burning and cramping so much. I was thinking this was a huge, painful mistake.
I think I just didn't stretch enough. Once we got warmed up, it was easy to keep going.
We walked most of it. Jeff took off running initially with the boys, but his bad knee started hurting by the time he got to house #4 down the street. We fast paced walked the rest of the way.
Jeff and I jogged the last half of the last lap. It wasn't that bad. However, it was more like a bouncy walk.
As we rounded the last lap around the neighborhood, several neighbors started cheering and clapping for us. It was hysterical. And really felt good.
I took a few pictures of myself. It really reminded me of the movie "Yes, Man," and the exercise/photography class. Hehe. Enjoy the pics.
Fat B
*(For the life of me... I can't remember if I'm a fat A or fat B... )
**(Fat A keeps reminding me that A rhymes with her first initial and B rhymes with my first initial... but I digress)
So what to do for tomorrow? Perhaps I'll get up with all the black Friday shoppers and run around WalMart? I somehow doubt it.
Good for you!