Fat A

Fat B

Sunday, January 24, 2010

"When you sleep you snore......"

".....When you run you dream. The dreams float lightly through the first mile but by the last kick, they flash with every step. If I keep this up, I'll never grow old! I'll do a marathon by the spring! I'll never get sick! If I keep going, I'll flush all my toxins! Terrible things will never happen to me! If they do, I'll have the stamina to crush them. If I keep this up, I'll grow better looking with age! I'll be admired and never envied, respected and never feared, loved and never pitied!If I keep this up I can have hamburgers. HAMBURGERS!!"

This is a quote from the Newbie Chronicles in this months issue of Runners World. It made me laugh because I may not dream of all the things of which Newbie dreams but I am definitely a dream runner, and I have definitely dreamt of hamburgers on a run before!

Fat A

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